Today's Self-Love challenge/invitation is to answer this question. Because whatever you’re giving your attention to, moment by moment, is what you’re getting more of. That's where your creative energy flows to.
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Doesn’t come from knowing everything. We never will. It comes from this one thing that got me a dreamy role!
You need to know which thoughts to believe and which ones to treat as lies because they’re all floating around, and what you think is the reality you create! Here’s the only way to tell.
Descartes posited: “I think, therefore I am.” He got it half right. He ignored this key part of the equation.
Do you understand that we can CHOOSE new beliefs (thoughts we keep thinking) that support our dreams and desires and living our best life, being the best version of ourself? It is simple. All this is true.
What is ALSO true is that there’s this whole complex stuff of levels and baggage that we’ve picked up along the way.
When you're following your passions, your dreams, your desires.... fears and limiting beliefs will rear their little ugly heads. What to do about them?
Sometimes we make a big deal out of things. And it’s needless and get’s in our way. You only need a few things for your Roadmap to Success and here’s what they are.
This is the way it works. We don’t need somebody else to anoint us, to bless us or to give us permission for anything. We are sovereign.
Perhaps now is a good time for you too, to call all of your power back to you. From all the times and places you’ve given it away or left it behind.
I now know curiosity was just the 1st step. A gateway of sorts into the dimension of consciousness where judgement simply doesn't exist. A different, higher level of consciousness.
Here’s an exercise to assist you in designing your motto for 2021.
Vibration is the basis of everything. It comes before any kind of manifestation - feelings and any 3D touch it, hear it, see it, smell it manifestation.