“As a professional Self-Leadership Coach, Mentor and workshop Facilitator, I work as a catalyst for heart-centred, conscious people to add Soul to their goals. To connect with their Inner Compass, act in alignment with their core values, feel empowered, and fall in love with their lives.”
My vision is to see the (business) world evenly shaped by both the feminine and masculine qualities and energies, and create empowering, thriving, coaching cultures. Working together, my intention is for you to be inspired and uplifted and move powerfully into your highest expression of Self-Leadership and create a magnificent life in alignment with your Inner Being, your whole authentic self.
At a peak point in my corporate career, I paused to re-evaluate my criteria for success and realized that I’d exceeded most aspects, as I’d defined them so far. Inspired, I decided to give myself the gift of time, embrace uncertainty, and take a sabbatical to celebrate my achievements and to explore a new dimension of freedom.
I followed my interests, old and new: studying Greek mythology, quantum physics, emerging tech, and photography; I danced, sang, wrote, volunteered and traveled wherever I wanted, whenever I wanted, as much as I wanted. I connected with friends and family, choosing to nurture some relationships and let go of others.
It was during that time (and I can remember it viscerally as if it was yesterday) that I had the most profound desire of my life. I was sitting by my floor to ceiling windows in my living room in Vancouver, high up on the 32nd floor, looking out at the endless blue sky, the soft pink and white clouds floating by as the birds flew around and, with crystal clarity, I received this thought: I want to learn how to co-create with the Energy that created all this. With the Life Force, Source Energy that created me and you. With the Creator that created this Universe and is creating this amazingly beautiful planet we live on, every moment. All of it. I wanted to learn how to co-create with THAT.
Talk about a goal! :D Talk about high achievement. Nothing less than that would do for me.
As you can imagine, that kind of intention irrevocably changes your life. In response to that desire, I came across wonderful teachers who guided me and helped me learn the Laws of The Universe and of Creation and become intimate with Consciousness. I now synthesize teachings from quantum physics, psychology, spirituality and science and I study and practise every day. After all, as one of my teachers, Abraham-Hicks, says: “Words don’t teach, only life experience does.“
My gleanings, like pearls of wisdom, infuse my daily life with practice, joy, presence and conscious choice, even in the contrast of “undesirable” experiences.
“Guiding people home to themselves to fulfill their potential, through private coaching and mentoring, programs, facilitating workshops and speaking, is the (continual) culmination of my professional and personal development; integrating the art and science, intellect and intuition, heart and mind aspects that supercharge Self-Leadership, my forte. It’s what I love doing the most.”
Working in the software industry for over 16 years, I’ve mastered roles in: strategic alliances, sales, technical pre‐sales, consulting, and training. I’ve taught myself how to cut code, managed North American wide territories, and owned multi-million dollar quotas.
In demanding, high-pressure, relentlessly changing environments, I know what it feels like to perform at extraordinary levels until it feels ordinary.
In pursuit of excellence in my career I’ve completed 6 academic diplomas, and over 17 professional development trainings including Erickson’s Solution-Focused Transformational Coaching program, and currently have attained the PCC designation (2nd highest level) with the International Coach Federation. I’m also on the Faculty of Erickson Coaching International, teaching and creating new coaches and leaders.
My passion for learning and personal development infuses my personal life too, and I’ve studied a wide range of topics like psychology, political systems, philosophy, metaphysics and neuroscience.
I feel like a citizen of the Earth, connected to the oceans, the stars, the Universe, animals - all of it! I was born and raised in Australia, to Greek parents, and have travelled all over the world for work and pleasure. I spend my time in beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia and in stunning Sydney Australia, where you can probably find me playing at a beach, writing in a cafe, exploring a mountain, or dreaming and dancing anywhere in between.
Appreciation fuels my desire to enrich my environment and contribute joyfully to the lives of others and there’s nothing I love more than when I’m tuned in to Source Energy and on a coaching call with a client or teaching a workshop; being a catalyst to bring someone closer to who they truly are.
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