The truth is: “The universe operates on energy, frequency, and vibration—and the power to shape it all is already inside you.”
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Seriously, we were made with all the technology we require to take control of our own minds and live the next level life we dream about. You just need to know how!
There are greater potentials and possibilities than EVER before, for all of us!!
Doesn’t come from knowing everything. We never will. It comes from this one thing that got me a dreamy role!
You need to know which thoughts to believe and which ones to treat as lies because they’re all floating around, and what you think is the reality you create! Here’s the only way to tell.
Descartes posited: “I think, therefore I am.” He got it half right. He ignored this key part of the equation.
The frequency of money for me is freedom, choices, fun, limitless possibilities, ease, comfort, joy, growth, appreciation and juicyness. I'd been feeling into all that every day, may times in the day... coz it feels great and it's fun!
Five days before Xmas of 2017, I was in the emergency room of Vancouver General Hospital, with an inter-cerebral hemorrhage. Street name: brain explosion ;) Three days and three nights later I walked out of that hospital, and this is why.
What a beautiful, easy way to understand this! To become aware of what I was doing and choose something else.
Society idolizes this but it’s not necessary!
The very act of trying to get rid of something holds it to you. Here’s how it works and what to do instead.
Vibration is the basis of everything. It comes before any kind of manifestation - feelings and any 3D touch it, hear it, see it, smell it manifestation.
Thoughts precede all manifestation. And until you understand and practise these 3 things, you’ll be playing a mediocre game, instead of the biggest and best game in the Universe!