One of the most empowering things I did for myself was to put a little distance between me and my mind, and me and my body. Understanding that we aren’t our thoughts and we aren’t our feelings and we aren’t our body, is liberating.
Today's Self-Love challenge/invitation is to answer this question. Because whatever you’re giving your attention to, moment by moment, is what you’re getting more of. That's where your creative energy flows to.
There are greater potentials and possibilities than EVER before, for all of us!!
Doesn’t come from knowing everything. We never will. It comes from this one thing that got me a dreamy role!
You need to know which thoughts to believe and which ones to treat as lies because they’re all floating around, and what you think is the reality you create! Here’s the only way to tell.
I want to be my “happy place” :)
If you woke up today and decided to teach only Love, what next…..????
Descartes posited: “I think, therefore I am.” He got it half right. He ignored this key part of the equation.
The frequency of money for me is freedom, choices, fun, limitless possibilities, ease, comfort, joy, growth, appreciation and juicyness. I'd been feeling into all that every day, may times in the day... coz it feels great and it's fun!
Do you understand that we can CHOOSE new beliefs (thoughts we keep thinking) that support our dreams and desires and living our best life, being the best version of ourself? It is simple. All this is true.
What is ALSO true is that there’s this whole complex stuff of levels and baggage that we’ve picked up along the way.
Five days before Xmas of 2017, I was in the emergency room of Vancouver General Hospital, with an inter-cerebral hemorrhage. Street name: brain explosion ;) Three days and three nights later I walked out of that hospital, and this is why.
Because I understand these 2 key things.
Shift your mindset to get your energy behind your desires.
Does your definition of professional include fun? Here are 6 reasons why you want it to.
As a solopreneur and someone who spends a lot of time alone, I find it very helpful to have ways to talk to myself that really support me. I trust this trick help you too.
When you're following your passions, your dreams, your desires.... fears and limiting beliefs will rear their little ugly heads. What to do about them?
And one day she woke up and was completely and utterly fukin BORED with…
What a beautiful, easy way to understand this! To become aware of what I was doing and choose something else.
Society idolizes this but it’s not necessary!
It comes through the cracks.
I invite you to play with this state and notice what it reveals to you. Get curious and journal on these prompts.