What is the gift?

There is always at least one, if not many many gifts, in every situation. Every “crisis" brings about amazing humanity. Every “catastrophe” brings about amazing opportunities.

Look for the positive aspects and you will find them. Look for opportunities to praise what’s working well and more things will start working well. Look for the light and fun aspects. (Have you seen the streets of quarantined people in Italy standing on their balconies and signing songs together?) Stand in the state (vibration) of calm and peace and your actions will be sharing that energy with the world.

The world is currently very noisy.

Find the silence.

Find the peace.

Find the calm space within your own Being that knows that All Is Well.

Find the God(dess) within you. God is Love.

You are part of the solution, not the problem. For fuck’s sake, you are the leading-edge of creation. You are so well taken care of. You are so loved and so adored. Act like it. Be it.

And wash your hands with loving kindness. And touch your face with the stroke of a lover’s hand. (Let oxytocin and dopamine override cortisol and glutamate. Let Love override fear.) And pat your cat and dog. And meditate more. And sleep more.

Calibrate to your Source Energy. Feel secure. Stand in Love.

What is the gift?

With Much Love

Jenny X

Photo cred: Jenny Xenos, Sydney, Aus
