I was in bed last Sunday night, trying to fall asleep. But my thoughts were swirling around in my head and I was having trouble getting to sleep.


I was plagued by fearful thoughts about money. (Specifically not having enough of it.) The thoughts started as little niggling ones until my feelings of discomfort turned into anxiety and then fear. I remembered when they first started about 7 years ago, I was in bed then too, and I’d gotten so scared about not having enough money that they’d turned into the symptoms of a panic attack. I recalled back then I soothed myself and eventually fell asleep. But this night, I realized that I had never really fully faced those fears because a part of me still believed that I could run out of money.


And then it hit me - I was literally in bed with my fears!  WTH!


My next thought was super clear and decisive: I REFUSE TO SLEEP WITH MY FEARS ANY MORE!   


Immediately, I sat up, turned on the bedside lamp and walked over to the other side of the room to get my journal and pen. I was going to alchemize these limiting beliefs NOW. Pierce through the illusions and lies I’d been telling myself and terrorizing myself with. I’d had enough.


I grabbed my journal and turned around to go back to bed – and that’s when I saw it. It stopped me dead in my tracks. A big hairy spider was on the bedhead just 6 inches above my pillow!


Have you seen the James Bond movie with Sean Connery asleep, as a big hairy spider is approaching his head? That’s what flashed into my mind.


A part of me was SO impressed and delighted at how my Inner Being/Higher Self orchestrated this entire experience, the symbolism, the life lesson (kudos again, hands down, freakin’ amazing) and another part of me was shivering at what my eyes were seeing and what might have been!


How would you feel?  Right!!!


I’m sure you’re wondering what I did next.  Well, I “took care” of the spider and then I sat down with excitement at how absolutely certain I was that facing our fears, (that are actually concepts of our human mind and based on limiting beliefs) and alchemizing them, turns them into fuel for our biggest growth. 


My decision to deal with my fear probably literally saved me.


Now, think about this for a moment.  If I had not been willing to face my fear, and actually take action on that decision, my new choice, I wouldn’t have seen the spider. There’s a high probability it would’ve crawled on me. Ugh! I don’t want to imagine any more!


I almost laughed at the incredible way the Universe, my Inner Being/Higher Self, Source, orchestrated the clarity of its message to me AND kept me safe. The synchronicity and convergence was freaking amazing!  Wow! Just wow!


I don’t know of a better way to let you know about the transformational power of moving Beyond Your Limiting Beliefs, my 6 week, live, online mentorship program that starts on 3rd February. This is what we’ll do together. I’ll guide you and I’ll hold space for you to transform your limiting beliefs, to rewire your brain.


Break through your self-imposed limitations, break the bonds you’ve created in your mind, open your heart, and allow more freedom and positive results into your life. I felt so empowered and liberated when I went to sleep.


This program is for you if you refuse to sleep with your limiting beliefs any longer! Imagine the excitement and power you’ll find on the other side!


