The truth is: “The universe operates on energy, frequency, and vibration—and the power to shape it all is already inside you.”
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abraham hicks
Seriously, we were made with all the technology we require to take control of our own minds and live the next level life we dream about. You just need to know how!
I invite you to play with this state and notice what it reveals to you. Get curious and journal on these prompts.
Your emotions are the consequences of your thoughts.
Surrendering and appreciating leads to good things!
I heard my Soul whisper this morning and I understood. Sometimes we get hooked by all the knowledge available out there to help us do this and that. It can be an endless cycle. Time to jump off it.
Here’s what this teaches me more than anything else ever has… we think that if we let ourselves off the hook for something we did that we deem as awful, we will do it again. But the thing is, we don’t. WE DON’T. It’s like we love ourselves through it and that entire old pattern disintegrates.
When you answer this first, the rest of your answers will come easily. One at a time.
Vibration is the basis of everything. It comes before any kind of manifestation - feelings and any 3D touch it, hear it, see it, smell it manifestation.
In that moment, her vibration was stronger than mine. She owned me.