I was in bed last Sunday night, trying to fall asleep. But my thoughts were swirling around in my head and I was having trouble getting to sleep. ………… I grabbed my journal and turned around to go back to bed – and that’s when I saw it. It stopped me dead in my tracks!
Viewing entries tagged
limiting beliefs
The truth is: “The universe operates on energy, frequency, and vibration—and the power to shape it all is already inside you.”
Seriously, we were made with all the technology we require to take control of our own minds and live the next level life we dream about. You just need to know how!
While the grief has been a roller coaster and “humanly real”, I also realized that she’s giving me this incredible gift, this incredible opportunity, to know what it truly means that separation is an illusion. To know that we are all eternal beings and connected energetically. To truly understand and know the truth of what all the Ascended Masters teach: that death is an illusion, that separation is an illusion.
Descartes posited: “I think, therefore I am.” He got it half right. He ignored this key part of the equation.
The frequency of money for me is freedom, choices, fun, limitless possibilities, ease, comfort, joy, growth, appreciation and juicyness. I'd been feeling into all that every day, may times in the day... coz it feels great and it's fun!
Do you understand that we can CHOOSE new beliefs (thoughts we keep thinking) that support our dreams and desires and living our best life, being the best version of ourself? It is simple. All this is true.
What is ALSO true is that there’s this whole complex stuff of levels and baggage that we’ve picked up along the way.
Five days before Xmas of 2017, I was in the emergency room of Vancouver General Hospital, with an inter-cerebral hemorrhage. Street name: brain explosion ;) Three days and three nights later I walked out of that hospital, and this is why.
Because I understand these 2 key things.
When you're following your passions, your dreams, your desires.... fears and limiting beliefs will rear their little ugly heads. What to do about them?