You need to know which thoughts to believe and which ones to treat as lies because they’re all floating around, and what you think is the reality you create! Here’s the only way to tell.
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Does your definition of professional include fun? Here are 6 reasons why you want it to.
What a beautiful, easy way to understand this! To become aware of what I was doing and choose something else.
Society idolizes this but it’s not necessary!
It comes through the cracks.
I invite you to play with this state and notice what it reveals to you. Get curious and journal on these prompts.
Sometimes we make a big deal out of things. And it’s needless and get’s in our way. You only need a few things for your Roadmap to Success and here’s what they are.
Your emotions are the consequences of your thoughts.
Here’s an exercise to assist you in designing your motto for 2021.
When you answer this first, the rest of your answers will come easily. One at a time.
There’s only a fine line between being afraid and feeling adventure. Because both happen in the same environments. And it’s all got to do with this one aspect.
In that moment, I took a big breath and then felt a beautiful pure sense of calm wash over me.
Thoughts precede all manifestation. And until you understand and practise these 3 things, you’ll be playing a mediocre game, instead of the biggest and best game in the Universe!
The human mind loves to figure things out and when it doesn't have all the information it needs, it just makes shit up. So here’s a great way to leverage its power for good!
We can not live beyond our beliefs. People who know how to turn their dreams into reality do not allow themselves to pay attention to anything that may weaken their belief or lower their expectation.
Don’t confuse satisfaction with complacency.
One is about feeling appreciative of where you are, what you have, what you’re doing so far, and who you are, right now. The other is about settling. About accepting the status quo and not caring about more.
How satisfied are you? Try this exercise to find out.
It’s the small choices we make, a hundred times a day, that weave the tapestry of our life. Are you 100% behind yours or do you have split energy?
If you want to believe that “hard” work pays off – go right ahead. But it’s an excuse to keep you going in someone else’s direction. 'Cause if it’s something that’s aligned to you and your direction and who you are… it doesn’t feel like hard work.