I was in bed last Sunday night, trying to fall asleep. But my thoughts were swirling around in my head and I was having trouble getting to sleep. ………… I grabbed my journal and turned around to go back to bed – and that’s when I saw it. It stopped me dead in my tracks!
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11 days of affirmations leading up to Xmas 2022 to raise our vibration!
Soften these and amazing things can happen.
I heard my Soul whisper this morning and I understood. Sometimes we get hooked by all the knowledge available out there to help us do this and that. It can be an endless cycle. Time to jump off it.
Vibration is the basis of everything. It comes before any kind of manifestation - feelings and any 3D touch it, hear it, see it, smell it manifestation.
How good are you at loving or expressing your appreciation to someone? Maybe it’s time to step up your game.
It HAS to be a self assigned experience. You must choose it. Without anything else needing to change.
Thoughts precede all manifestation. And until you understand and practise these 3 things, you’ll be playing a mediocre game, instead of the biggest and best game in the Universe!
There's a moral to this story. Wisdom cloaked in common conversation.
You can create something extraordinary with exciting anticipation. But sometimes, you can be seen as bragging. Are you willing not to care?