Doesn’t come from knowing everything. We never will. It comes from this one thing that got me a dreamy role!
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I’m going to call both of these “natural laws” and both apply to life just as fundamentally as they do when riding a motorbike.
The very act of trying to get rid of something holds it to you. Here’s how it works and what to do instead.
Our Core Values are the ESSENCE of WHO WE ARE, as unique human beings. They motivate our actions and energize our vision. They are the reason we choose what to stand up for (and some die for). They connect our heart with our mind.
Your thoughts become your words become your life.
There is always at least one, if not many many gifts, in every situation. Every “crisis" brings about amazing humanity. Every “catastrophe” brings about amazing opportunities.
How good are you at loving or expressing your appreciation to someone? Maybe it’s time to step up your game.
Use this quick method to access your Source centre, your Infinite Intelligence, anywhere anytime. All you need in life is to listen to your Inner Being. It will tell you everything you need to know.
The human mind loves to figure things out and when it doesn't have all the information it needs, it just makes shit up. So here’s a great way to leverage its power for good!
Ask them now, so you can realign if you need to.
Words don’t teach. Our actions speak much louder than our words.
It’s only ever about this one thing. Whatever the circumstances.
Love What You Do or Do What You Love? It does make a difference.
There's a moral to this story. Wisdom cloaked in common conversation.
We can not live beyond our beliefs. People who know how to turn their dreams into reality do not allow themselves to pay attention to anything that may weaken their belief or lower their expectation.
As 2017 comes to a close I want to thank you and share 3 new things I did that created more happiness. And then, let's move forward together to create a phenomenal new year!
You've probably heard this often: “Knowledge is Power” Well... nope. You have to take it one step further. The step that truly matters.
Don’t confuse satisfaction with complacency.
One is about feeling appreciative of where you are, what you have, what you’re doing so far, and who you are, right now. The other is about settling. About accepting the status quo and not caring about more.
How satisfied are you? Try this exercise to find out.
Try it as a strategy. Even better, try it as your purpose. And watch what happens to your life, your business, career, your relationships.
How we think about something is the only thing that affects our life experience.